Building a business is something akin to raising children. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, patience and a strong sense of humor. You do your best, hope for the best, and pray that you’re building a solid foundation for the future. Someone who…
American Made: The Way It’s Done
Do you know what these items have in common: Crayola crayons, Red Wing Boots, and Zippo Lighters? If you guessed that all of these products are made in America, then you’d be correct. The movement toward supporting companies who are manufacturing products in the U.S….
Retailer Spotlight: Franco’s Fine Clothier
In our go-go-go world, speed is often one of the things we prize most. Fast internet connection, fast and easy meals—everything is fast. But for true luxury, “speed” is rarely part of the equation. Fine wines, for example, take time to become fine. At SAINT…
The Handcrafted Legacy of SAINT CROIX
Has anyone ever made anything for you by hand? Chances are, it’s become a cherished gift. Giving something that is handmade conveys thoughtfulness, care and quality. There’s an entire $30-billion-dollar craft industry based on creating, and often giving, things that are handmade. The term handmade…
Retailer Spotlight: Kannon’s Clothing
SAINT CROIX is proud of its nearly 60 year American-made legacy. There’s a certain comradery among companies that have hit the half-century mark—it’s almost like a club. A club of determined, dedicated people who know that quality and service are the only real way to…
SAINT CROIX Bicentennial Flag “Flies” Again!
When you make the life changing decision to become a citizen of a country you weren’t born in, it’s not something you take lightly. It’s not a decision you forget making. You take an oath and promise allegiance to that country. When Bernhard Brenner became…