Rock-steady is often used to describe people who are consistent and dependable. That description is fittingly applied to SAINT CROIX Sale Representative Rick Hencier. Rick has been part of the SAINT CROIX family for nearly 29 years, and loves it just as much today as…
Retailer Spotlight: The Shirt Box
Throughout history, there are so many stories about people leaving home to find their way…seeking something more than what they’ve always known. There are also many stories of those same people coming home…realizing that they already knew exactly where they belonged. Ron Elkus and Rod…
The New Luxury Blend
Innovation takes many shapes. Sometimes it comes in the shape of a new technology or gadget, like the now-ubiquitous iPhone. Sometimes it comes in the shape of putting together two or three existing things and creating something new. For SAINT CROIX, their most recent innovation…
MRket in a Winter Wonderland
Do you remember last week’s storm? The storm that shut down offices, schools, and freeways, and dumped upwards of 30 inches of snow on certain parts of the east coast? The storm that had people digging out of walls of snow surrounding their cars and…
Retailer Spotlight: Franco’s Fine Clothier
In our go-go-go world, speed is often one of the things we prize most. Fast internet connection, fast and easy meals—everything is fast. But for true luxury, “speed” is rarely part of the equation. Fine wines, for example, take time to become fine. At SAINT…